You can use this pace table to determine your target times for the usual race distances. It gives you a good overview of how the individual paces/speeds differ for the distances/finish times. You can calculate your own pace here.
Pace | 2 km | 3 km | 5 km | 10 km | 15 km | 20 km | 21,1 km | 25 km | 30 km | 42,195 km | |||
00:02:00 | 00:04:00 | 00:06:00 | 00:10:00 | 00:20:00 | 00:30:00 | 00:40:00 | 00:42:12 | 00:50:00 | 01:00:00 | 01:24:23 | |||
00:02:10 | 00:04:20 | 00:06:30 | 00:10:50 | 00:21:40 | 00:32:30 | 00:43:20 | 00:45:43 | 00:54:10 | 01:05:00 | 01:31:25 | |||
00:02:20 | 00:04:40 | 00:07:00 | 00:11:40 | 00:23:20 | 00:35:00 | 00:46:40 | 00:49:14 | 00:58:20 | 01:10:00 | 01:38:27 | |||
00:02:30 | 00:05:00 | 00:07:30 | 00:12:30 | 00:25:00 | 00:37:30 | 00:50:00 | 00:52:45 | 01:02:30 | 01:15:00 | 01:45:29 | |||
00:02:40 | 00:05:20 | 00:08:00 | 00:13:20 | 00:26:40 | 00:40:00 | 00:53:20 | 00:56:16 | 01:06:40 | 01:20:00 | 01:52:31 | |||
00:02:50 | 00:05:40 | 00:08:30 | 00:14:10 | 00:28:20 | 00:42:30 | 00:56:40 | 00:59:47 | 01:10:50 | 01:25:00 | 01:59:33 | |||
00:03:00 | 00:06:00 | 00:09:00 | 00:15:00 | 00:30:00 | 00:45:00 | 01:00:00 | 01:03:18 | 01:15:00 | 01:30:00 | 02:06:35 | |||
00:03:10 | 00:06:20 | 00:09:30 | 00:15:50 | 00:31:40 | 00:47:30 | 01:03:20 | 01:06:49 | 01:19:10 | 01:35:00 | 02:13:37 | |||
00:03:20 | 00:06:40 | 00:10:00 | 00:16:40 | 00:33:20 | 00:50:00 | 01:06:40 | 01:10:20 | 01:23:20 | 01:40:00 | 02:20:39 | |||
00:03:30 | 00:07:00 | 00:10:30 | 00:17:30 | 00:35:00 | 00:52:30 | 01:10:00 | 01:13:51 | 01:27:30 | 01:45:00 | 02:27:41 | |||
00:03:40 | 00:07:20 | 00:11:00 | 00:18:20 | 00:36:40 | 00:55:00 | 01:13:20 | 01:17:22 | 01:31:40 | 01:50:00 | 02:34:43 | |||
00:03:50 | 00:07:40 | 00:11:30 | 00:19:10 | 00:38:20 | 00:57:30 | 01:16:40 | 01:20:53 | 01:35:50 | 01:55:00 | 02:41:45 | |||
00:04:00 | 00:08:00 | 00:12:00 | 00:20:00 | 00:40:00 | 01:00:00 | 01:20:00 | 01:24:24 | 01:40:00 | 02:00:00 | 02:48:47 | |||
00:04:10 | 00:08:20 | 00:12:30 | 00:20:50 | 00:41:40 | 01:02:30 | 01:23:20 | 01:27:55 | 01:44:10 | 02:05:00 | 02:55:49 | |||
00:04:20 | 00:08:40 | 00:13:00 | 00:21:40 | 00:43:20 | 01:05:00 | 01:26:40 | 01:31:26 | 01:48:20 | 02:10:00 | 03:02:51 | |||
00:04:30 | 00:09:00 | 00:13:30 | 00:22:30 | 00:45:00 | 01:07:30 | 01:30:00 | 01:34:57 | 01:52:30 | 02:15:00 | 03:09:53 | |||
00:04:40 | 00:09:20 | 00:14:00 | 00:23:20 | 00:46:40 | 01:10:00 | 01:33:20 | 01:38:28 | 01:56:40 | 02:20:00 | 03:16:55 | |||
00:04:50 | 00:09:40 | 00:14:30 | 00:24:10 | 00:48:20 | 01:12:30 | 01:36:40 | 01:41:59 | 02:00:50 | 02:25:00 | 03:23:57 | |||
00:05:00 | 00:10:00 | 00:15:00 | 00:25:00 | 00:50:00 | 01:15:00 | 01:40:00 | 01:45:30 | 02:05:00 | 02:30:00 | 03:30:58 | |||
00:05:10 | 00:10:20 | 00:15:30 | 00:25:50 | 00:51:40 | 01:17:30 | 01:43:20 | 01:49:01 | 02:09:10 | 02:35:00 | 03:38:00 | |||
00:05:20 | 00:10:40 | 00:16:00 | 00:26:40 | 00:53:20 | 01:20:00 | 01:46:40 | 01:52:32 | 02:13:20 | 02:40:00 | 03:45:02 | |||
00:05:30 | 00:11:00 | 00:16:30 | 00:27:30 | 00:55:00 | 01:22:30 | 01:50:00 | 01:56:03 | 02:17:30 | 02:45:00 | 03:52:04 | |||
00:05:40 | 00:11:20 | 00:17:00 | 00:28:20 | 00:56:40 | 01:25:00 | 01:53:20 | 01:59:34 | 02:21:40 | 02:50:00 | 03:59:06 | |||
00:05:50 | 00:11:40 | 00:17:30 | 00:29:10 | 00:58:20 | 01:27:30 | 01:56:40 | 02:03:05 | 02:25:50 | 02:55:00 | 04:06:08 | |||
00:06:00 | 00:12:00 | 00:18:00 | 00:30:00 | 01:00:00 | 01:30:00 | 02:00:00 | 02:06:36 | 02:30:00 | 03:00:00 | 04:13:10 | |||
00:06:10 | 00:12:20 | 00:18:30 | 00:30:50 | 01:01:40 | 01:32:30 | 02:03:20 | 02:10:07 | 02:34:10 | 03:05:00 | 04:20:12 | |||
00:06:20 | 00:12:40 | 00:19:00 | 00:31:40 | 01:03:20 | 01:35:00 | 02:06:40 | 02:13:38 | 02:38:20 | 03:10:00 | 04:27:14 | |||
00:06:30 | 00:13:00 | 00:19:30 | 00:32:30 | 01:05:00 | 01:37:30 | 02:10:00 | 02:17:09 | 02:42:30 | 03:15:00 | 04:34:16 | |||
00:06:40 | 00:13:20 | 00:20:00 | 00:33:20 | 01:06:40 | 01:40:00 | 02:13:20 | 02:20:40 | 02:46:40 | 03:20:00 | 04:41:18 | |||
00:06:50 | 00:13:40 | 00:20:30 | 00:34:10 | 01:08:20 | 01:42:30 | 02:16:40 | 02:24:11 | 02:50:50 | 03:25:00 | 04:48:20 | |||
00:07:00 | 00:14:00 | 00:21:00 | 00:35:00 | 01:10:00 | 01:45:00 | 02:20:00 | 02:27:42 | 02:55:00 | 03:30:00 | 04:55:22 | |||
00:07:10 | 00:14:20 | 00:21:30 | 00:35:50 | 01:11:40 | 01:47:30 | 02:23:20 | 02:31:13 | 02:59:10 | 03:35:00 | 05:02:24 | |||
00:07:20 | 00:14:40 | 00:22:00 | 00:36:40 | 01:13:20 | 01:50:00 | 02:26:40 | 02:34:44 | 03:03:20 | 03:40:00 | 05:09:26 | |||
00:07:30 | 00:15:00 | 00:22:30 | 00:37:30 | 01:15:00 | 01:52:30 | 02:30:00 | 02:38:15 | 03:07:30 | 03:45:00 | 05:16:28 | |||
00:07:40 | 00:15:20 | 00:23:00 | 00:38:20 | 01:16:40 | 01:55:00 | 02:33:20 | 02:41:46 | 03:11:40 | 03:50:00 | 05:23:30 | |||
00:07:50 | 00:15:40 | 00:23:30 | 00:39:10 | 01:18:20 | 01:57:30 | 02:36:40 | 02:45:17 | 03:15:50 | 03:55:00 | 05:30:32 | |||
00:08:00 | 00:16:00 | 00:24:00 | 00:40:00 | 01:20:00 | 02:00:00 | 02:40:00 | 02:48:48 | 03:20:00 | 04:00:00 | 05:37:34 | |||
00:08:10 | 00:16:20 | 00:24:30 | 00:40:50 | 01:21:40 | 02:02:30 | 02:43:20 | 02:52:19 | 03:24:10 | 04:05:00 | 05:44:36 | |||
00:08:20 | 00:16:40 | 00:25:00 | 00:41:40 | 01:23:20 | 02:05:00 | 02:46:40 | 02:55:50 | 03:28:20 | 04:10:00 | 05:51:37 | |||
00:08:30 | 00:17:00 | 00:25:30 | 00:42:30 | 01:25:00 | 02:07:30 | 02:50:00 | 02:59:21 | 03:32:30 | 04:15:00 | 05:58:39 | |||
00:08:40 | 00:17:20 | 00:26:00 | 00:43:20 | 01:26:40 | 02:10:00 | 02:53:20 | 03:02:52 | 03:36:40 | 04:20:00 | 06:05:41 | |||
00:08:50 | 00:17:40 | 00:26:30 | 00:44:10 | 01:28:20 | 02:12:30 | 02:56:40 | 03:06:23 | 03:40:50 | 04:25:00 | 06:12:43 | |||
00:09:00 | 00:18:00 | 00:27:00 | 00:45:00 | 01:30:00 | 02:15:00 | 03:00:00 | 03:09:54 | 03:45:00 | 04:30:00 | 06:19:45 | |||
00:09:10 | 00:18:20 | 00:27:30 | 00:45:50 | 01:31:40 | 02:17:30 | 03:03:20 | 03:13:25 | 03:49:10 | 04:35:00 | 06:26:47 | |||
00:09:20 | 00:18:40 | 00:28:00 | 00:46:40 | 01:33:20 | 02:20:00 | 03:06:40 | 03:16:56 | 03:53:20 | 04:40:00 | 06:33:49 | |||
00:09:30 | 00:19:00 | 00:28:30 | 00:47:30 | 01:35:00 | 02:22:30 | 03:10:00 | 03:20:27 | 03:57:30 | 04:45:00 | 06:40:51 | |||
00:09:40 | 00:19:20 | 00:29:00 | 00:48:20 | 01:36:40 | 02:25:00 | 03:13:20 | 03:23:58 | 04:01:40 | 04:50:00 | 06:47:53 | |||
00:09:50 | 00:19:40 | 00:29:30 | 00:49:10 | 01:38:20 | 02:27:30 | 03:16:40 | 03:27:29 | 04:05:50 | 04:55:00 | 06:54:55 | |||
00:10:00 | 00:20:00 | 00:30:00 | 00:50:00 | 01:40:00 | 02:30:00 | 03:20:00 | 03:31:00 | 04:10:00 | 05:00:00 | 07:01:57 | |||
00:10:10 | 00:20:20 | 00:30:30 | 00:50:50 | 01:41:40 | 02:32:30 | 03:23:20 | 03:34:31 | 04:14:10 | 05:05:00 | 07:08:59 | |||
00:10:20 | 00:20:40 | 00:31:00 | 00:51:40 | 01:43:20 | 02:35:00 | 03:26:40 | 03:38:02 | 04:18:20 | 05:10:00 | 07:16:01 | |||
00:10:30 | 00:21:00 | 00:31:30 | 00:52:30 | 01:45:00 | 02:37:30 | 03:30:00 | 03:41:33 | 04:22:30 | 05:15:00 | 07:23:03 | |||
00:10:40 | 00:21:20 | 00:32:00 | 00:53:20 | 01:46:40 | 02:40:00 | 03:33:20 | 03:45:04 | 04:26:40 | 05:20:00 | 07:30:05 | |||
00:10:50 | 00:21:40 | 00:32:30 | 00:54:10 | 01:48:20 | 02:42:30 | 03:36:40 | 03:48:35 | 04:30:50 | 05:25:00 | 07:37:07 | |||
00:11:00 | 00:22:00 | 00:33:00 | 00:55:00 | 01:50:00 | 02:45:00 | 03:40:00 | 03:52:06 | 04:35:00 | 05:30:00 | 07:44:09 | |||
00:11:10 | 00:22:20 | 00:33:30 | 00:55:50 | 01:51:40 | 02:47:30 | 03:43:20 | 03:55:37 | 04:39:10 | 05:35:00 | 07:51:11 | |||
00:11:20 | 00:22:40 | 00:34:00 | 00:56:40 | 01:53:20 | 02:50:00 | 03:46:40 | 03:59:08 | 04:43:20 | 05:40:00 | 07:58:13 | |||
00:11:30 | 00:23:00 | 00:34:30 | 00:57:30 | 01:55:00 | 02:52:30 | 03:50:00 | 04:02:39 | 04:47:30 | 05:45:00 | 08:05:15 | |||
00:11:40 | 00:23:20 | 00:35:00 | 00:58:20 | 01:56:40 | 02:55:00 | 03:53:20 | 04:06:10 | 04:51:40 | 05:50:00 | 08:12:16 | |||
00:11:50 | 00:23:40 | 00:35:30 | 00:59:10 | 01:58:20 | 02:57:30 | 03:56:40 | 04:09:41 | 04:55:50 | 05:55:00 | 08:19:18 | |||
00:12:00 | 00:24:00 | 00:36:00 | 01:00:00 | 02:00:00 | 03:00:00 | 04:00:00 | 04:13:12 | 05:00:00 | 06:00:00 | 08:26:20 | |||
00:12:10 | 00:24:20 | 00:36:30 | 01:00:50 | 02:01:40 | 03:02:30 | 04:03:20 | 04:16:43 | 05:04:10 | 06:05:00 | 08:33:22 | |||
00:12:20 | 00:24:40 | 00:37:00 | 01:01:40 | 02:03:20 | 03:05:00 | 04:06:40 | 04:20:14 | 05:08:20 | 06:10:00 | 08:40:24 | |||
00:12:30 | 00:25:00 | 00:37:30 | 01:02:30 | 02:05:00 | 03:07:30 | 04:10:00 | 04:23:45 | 05:12:30 | 06:15:00 | 08:47:26 | |||
00:12:40 | 00:25:20 | 00:38:00 | 01:03:20 | 02:06:40 | 03:10:00 | 04:13:20 | 04:27:16 | 05:16:40 | 06:20:00 | 08:54:28 | |||
00:12:50 | 00:25:40 | 00:38:30 | 01:04:10 | 02:08:20 | 03:12:30 | 04:16:40 | 04:30:47 | 05:20:50 | 06:25:00 | 09:01:30 | |||
00:13:00 | 00:26:00 | 00:39:00 | 01:05:00 | 02:10:00 | 03:15:00 | 04:20:00 | 04:34:18 | 05:25:00 | 06:30:00 | 09:08:32 | |||
00:13:10 | 00:26:20 | 00:39:30 | 01:05:50 | 02:11:40 | 03:17:30 | 04:23:20 | 04:37:49 | 05:29:10 | 06:35:00 | 09:15:34 | |||
00:13:20 | 00:26:40 | 00:40:00 | 01:06:40 | 02:13:20 | 03:20:00 | 04:26:40 | 04:41:20 | 05:33:20 | 06:40:00 | 09:22:36 | |||
00:13:30 | 00:27:00 | 00:40:30 | 01:07:30 | 02:15:00 | 03:22:30 | 04:30:00 | 04:44:51 | 05:37:30 | 06:45:00 | 09:29:38 | |||
00:13:40 | 00:27:20 | 00:41:00 | 01:08:20 | 02:16:40 | 03:25:00 | 04:33:20 | 04:48:22 | 05:41:40 | 06:50:00 | 09:36:40 | |||
00:13:50 | 00:27:40 | 00:41:30 | 01:09:10 | 02:18:20 | 03:27:30 | 04:36:40 | 04:51:53 | 05:45:50 | 06:55:00 | 09:43:42 | |||
00:14:00 | 00:28:00 | 00:42:00 | 01:10:00 | 02:20:00 | 03:30:00 | 04:40:00 | 04:55:24 | 05:50:00 | 07:00:00 | 09:50:44 | |||
00:14:10 | 00:28:20 | 00:42:30 | 01:10:50 | 02:21:40 | 03:32:30 | 04:43:20 | 04:58:55 | 05:54:10 | 07:05:00 | 09:57:46 | |||
00:14:20 | 00:28:40 | 00:43:00 | 01:11:40 | 02:23:20 | 03:35:00 | 04:46:40 | 05:02:26 | 05:58:20 | 07:10:00 | 10:04:48 | |||
00:14:30 | 00:29:00 | 00:43:30 | 01:12:30 | 02:25:00 | 03:37:30 | 04:50:00 | 05:05:57 | 06:02:30 | 07:15:00 | 10:11:50 | |||
00:14:40 | 00:29:20 | 00:44:00 | 01:13:20 | 02:26:40 | 03:40:00 | 04:53:20 | 05:09:28 | 06:06:40 | 07:20:00 | 10:18:52 | |||
00:14:50 | 00:29:40 | 00:44:30 | 01:14:10 | 02:28:20 | 03:42:30 | 04:56:40 | 05:12:59 | 06:10:50 | 07:25:00 | 10:25:54 | |||
00:15:00 | 00:30:00 | 00:45:00 | 01:15:00 | 02:30:00 | 03:45:00 | 05:00:00 | 05:16:30 | 06:15:00 | 07:30:00 | 10:32:55 |
Here you will find the pace sectors in one-second intervals.
- Pace 2:00 – 2:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 3:00 – 3:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 4:00 – 4:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 5:00 – 5:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 6:00 – 6:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 7:00 – 7:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 8:00 – 8:59 Minutes per kilometer
- Pace 9:00 – 9:59 minutes per kilometer
- Pace 10:00 – 10:59 Minuten for Kilometer
- Pace 11:00 – 11:59 Minuten for Kilometer
- Pace 12:00 – 12:59 Minutes per kilometer
- Pace 13:00 – 13:59 Minutes per kilometer
- Pace 14:00 – 14:59 Minutes per kilometer
How a pace table improves your running training
Running is one of the best ways to stay fit and improve your health. It is an activity that can be done anytime, anywhere. But it is important to find the right pace for maximum benefits. A pace chart can help you optimize your training and achieve your running goal within your target time.
What is the meaning of tempo/pace?
Pace/speed refers to the speed at which you are running. It is an important metric that influences your running training. Running too fast can cause injuries, while running too slowly makes your training ineffective. The right pace depends on various factors, such as the route, your fitness level and your goal.
How do tempo tables work?
A pace table or speed table is a table that indicates different speeds for certain distances. It is usually given in minutes per kilometer or mile. Such a table helps runners to find the right pace for a particular distance and to optimize their training. In our table, you will find common competition distances in 10-second increments. We have subdivided the second intervals into minutes (see links above).
A pace chart or pace table is a useful tool for any runner looking to improve their performance. It helps to find the right pace for a particular distance, avoid injury and stay motivated. So, the next time you go for a run, use a pace table and get the most out of your workout.
Can I create a tempo chart myself?
Yes, it is possible to create your own pace table. To do this, you just have to select the desired route and determine the target pace for this route. Then note the pace in your own table. This way, you can create a customized pace table that is tailored to your own training needs.
2. Do I have to maintain the pace for every run?
No, it is not necessary to maintain the exact pace with every run. It is important to challenge yourself every now and then, but also to take regeneration runs. A pace table can serve as a guide, but should not always be strictly followed.
3. Can a tempo chart also be used for other activities?
Yes, a pace chart can also be used for other activities such as cycling or swimming. However, the pace per kilometer or mile is replaced by the pace per hour or minute.
4. Do I always have to have a tempo chart with me?
No, you don’t always have to have a pace table with you. You can print it out or download it to your cell phone to have it on hand when you need it. With practice, it will also be easier for you to estimate your pace without having to refer to the table.
5. Is a tempo chart suitable for beginners or advanced players?
A tempo table is suitable for all runners, regardless of their fitness level or experience. It is a useful guide that can help any runner improve their performance and achieve their goals.